Original Resolution: 256x256
Concrete Minecraft Feed The Beast Wiki I have found many places being like 'this is for concrete powder' but not saying the specific id for different colors.
150x150 - Light gray dye can be crafted by combining bone meal to gray dye, or by placing one white tulip, oxeye daisy, or azure bluet into a crafting grid by itself.
Original Resolution: 150x150
Grey Terracotta Minecraft Id Novocom Top Concrete requires a pickaxe to be mined.
256x256 - It is solely a decorative block, and has 16 different color variations.
Original Resolution: 256x256
Stained Glass Minecraft Feed The Beast Wiki Light gray concrete item id each item in minecraft has a unique id assigned to it, known as an item id, this can be used in commands to spawn the item into the game.
425x192 - It comes in 16 different colors, dyed using dyes.
Original Resolution: 425x192
Grey Terracotta Minecraft Novocom Top Wandering traders will sell light gray dye in exchange for an emerald.